Bladder Infection Remedies

Bladder Infection Remedies – When the bladder is infected by bacteria, the interior walls becomes inflamed and causes the frequent need to urinate, pain during urination, and cramping. As many as 80% of uncomplicated urinary tract infections are caused by Escherichia coli, followed by Staphylococcus saprophyticus in as many as 5% to 15% of cases.1 This is not the same E. coli associated with outbreaks from unsanitary food processing plants. This type of E.coli is a normal part of digestive gut flora and can accidently be transferred to the bladder through poor hygiene. E. coli bacteria contains fingerlike projections called fimbria that enables them to grasp on to the inner walls of your bladder and even work their way upward to your kidneys and ureter. Because they grasp on to your urinary organs, they cannot be washed out. Enterococci, Klebsiella species and Proteus mirabilis account for a small percentage of overall infections.

If you suspect a bladder infection, please seek advice from your doctor first.

Possible causes of Bladder Infection Remedies

  • Sexual intercourse
  • Use of a diaphragm
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Obstruction of the urinary tract


  • Urgent desire to empty bladder
  • Desire even after bladder is emptied
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Burning sensation with urination
  • Possible blood in urine
  • Cloudy urine

UTIs and Antibiotics | Bladder Infection Remedies

Antibiotics kill bad bacteria, but unfortunately they also kill good bacteria. Secondary yeast infections and digestive problems can be a common result of using antibiotics and in some cases serious side effects can occur. When taking an antibiotic, it is important to take your probiotic 6 hours apart. Here is one case from our practice:

“I took 1 pill of Levaquin in May 2010, 750 mg, exactly as much as that woman in the video took. Though my case is nowhere near as severe as hers, I couldn’t walk more than 15 minutes at a time without needing to take a 2 hour nap afterwards, for about 3 months. Facial, neck and arm numbness, muscle weakness, vision problems, fatigue. Noise and light sensitivity for months. Only now am I feeling relatively “normal.” Cheri has helped me immensely, mostly by being one of the few who doesn’t treat me like I’m crazy to think there’s a connection between the antibiotic and my symptoms. I could go on and on about it. Has definitely made me rethink what I put into my body!”

Urinary Tract Infections

Women are more prone to urinary tract infections because of a shorter urethra, and because men have a bacterial growth inhibitor injected directly into their urinary system by their prostate glands.

In cases with men, urinary tract infections may be the symptom of problems stemming from the prostate gland.

Urethritis is inflammation of the urethra. The urethra is the tube that connects the urinary bladder to the outside of the body and includes the opening at the end of the penis. Both urine and semen pass through the urethra. Urethritis may be caused by the germs that cause sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or the germs that causeurinary tract/bladder infections; the symptoms of these conditions may be similar.

Pyelonephritis (kidney infection) is a specific type of urinary tract infection that typically begins in your urethra or bladder and travels up into your kidneys. If not treated properly, a kidney infection can permanently damage your kidneys or the bacteria can spread to your bloodstream and cause a life-threatening infection. Kidney infection treatment often requires hospitalization and usually includes antibiotics.

Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic inflammatory condition of the bladder. Unlike common cystitis, it is believed not to be caused by bacteria and does not respond to conventional antibiotic therapy. IC can affect people of any age and sex. It is however most commonly found in women. It is called non-bacterial prostatitis or prostatodynia in men. Symptoms include bladder pressure, bladder pain and pelvic pain. In the early stages and mild cases frequency might be the only symptom. The sensation of urgent urination may also be accompanied by pain pressure or spasm.Some people have joint pain, migraines, allergic reactions and digestive problems.

Dietary Recommendations for bladder health/overcoming a bladder infection

  • Drink plenty of purified water (about one cup every hour or so).
  • Avoid caffeine, chocolate, carbonated beverage alcohol and fruit juices.
  • Avoid spicy food and sugar.
  • Cow dairy can be a problem; however, goat yogurt is fine. It’s mainly important to avoid aged cheeses and sour cream.
  • Avoid all canned, cured, processed or smoked meats, fish and cold cuts.

Avoid all foods to which you are sensitive or allergic. Foods IC patients are typically allergic to are wheat, corn, rye, oats and barley.

For protein, good choices are plant sources (beans — cannelini beans in particular — and legumes), wild fish or organic poultry. For fats, good choices are olive oil, coconut oil, pastured butter, almonds, cashews and pine nuts. Most berries are rich in flavonols, such as epicatechin which may play a role in antimicrobial defense. Epicatechin prevents bacteria like E. coli from attaching to human cells. Although fruits such as cherries, apples and plums are rich in epicatechin, the flavonol content of berries is higher, which may explain why berries are associated with a lower risk of UTI recurrence. D-mannose, a type of sugar which sits on the lining of the bladder and diverts E. coli from attaching to the bladder, can be found in some berries, peaches, apples, and certain other plants.

For carbohydrates, choose organic vegetables and fruits. Use fresh herbs, especially parsley. For fruit, the best choices are watermelon, and other melons (no cantaloupes) blueberries and pears.

Avoid: fava beans, lima beans, onions, tomatoes and processed soy and asparagus. Also avoid citrus fruit (citrus produces alkaline urine that encourages bacterial growth),apricots, bananas, grapes, peaches, pineapples and strawberries.

*Sugars and grains quickly break down to sugars, and will feed disease-causing bacteria in the intestine that are more likely to infect the bladder.

For women: Avoid feminine sprays, douches and bubble bath. Wear only cotton panties. Wipe front to back and cleanse before intercourse. Use only natural soaps and toxin-free household products. Shower instead of taking baths, and use undyed, unscented toilet paper or a bidet.

For men: Drink at least 5 glasses of water per day- add lemon for extra hydration.Avoid sodas and refined carbohydrates. Remember that in addition to sugar, alcohol and coffee in excess can cause issues.

Supplementation for Bladder Infection Remedies

1. Cranberry/d-Mannose by Pure Encapsulations

The most effective approach for bladder issues.

2.VSL #3 Probiotic

Probiotics are essential for bladder health.

3.Vitamin C with Flavonoids by Thorne Research

Helps bad bacteria from accumulating in the bladder wall. For children, divided small doses 3x a day is very helpful.


1. Hooton TM, Stamm WE. Diagnosis and treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infection. Infect Dis Clin North Am 1997;11: 551-581.


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