For those that like to make everything in one pan (I do), this is a fast dish packed with nutrition. Maitake mushrooms are, nutritionally speaking one of the most impressive mushrooms. It has the holy trinity of nutrition: anti-cancer, anti-viral and immune system enhancing. Known as the “hen of the woods,” it grows in clusters that look like a hen’s tail. Shitake or oyster mushrooms are also excellent choices for this dish. This is a good meal to practice not measuring and poaching is a great way to simulate a stir fry dish but with water.


Serves 2

  • Butter or olive oil
  • 1 yellow onion
  • water
  • 2 6 oz. wild salmon
  • Sea salt
  • 2-4 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 cluster maitake mushrooms (If you can’t find these, you can order them dried
  • or grow your own!)
  • 1/2 bunch of kale chopped
  • Mirin or Tamari sauce


Sauté onion in a pan with butter or olive oil until soft. Add just enough water to cover the bottom of the pan. Keep heat on medium and add salmon with a sprinkle of salt. Cook for 5-8 minutes per side, depending on thickness. Around minute 4 or 5, add mushrooms, garlic and kale. Once the salmon is cooked, season with Mirin or Tamari.

*I order wild salmon from Vital Choice because it tests very low in mercury, tastes amazing and you get a deal when you buy in bulk.

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