Endometriosis occurs when the endometrium does not slough off normally at menstruation. It is usually accompanied by menorrhagia (heavy bleeding), severe menstrual cramps, and pain with intercourse, bowel movements and even ovulation. In serious cases the endometrium or lining of the uterus migrates to other sites such as the intestines and the bladder. The bits of the endometrium cause pain when they go through the cycle of menses and bleed as if they were normal uterine tissue. Cysts and fibroid tumors are common side effects. 1


  • Pain with intercourse
  • General, chronic pelvic pain throughout the month
  • Low back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Pain before and during periods
  • Heavy and/or irregular periods
  • Painful bowel movements, especially during menstruation
  • Painful urination during menstruation
  • Infertility


It is thought that endometriosis and related disorders are associated with a disruption in the estrogen-progesterone cycle, resulting in high levels of estrogen and low levels of progesterone. In monkeys, exposure to dioxin, which is an estrogen-like compound, resulted in moderate to severe endometriosis.2

According to Dr. Deborah Metzger M.D, Ph.D medical director of Helena Woman’s Health in San Francisco and Palo Alto, California, endometriosis is caused by an allergy to your own hormones, which lowers immunity and leads to a Candida overgrowth.

Endometriosis is indicative of a toxic body system, and is often accompanied by other disorders — in particular candida overgrowth — as well as food intolerances, autoimmune disorders and chemical sensitivities.


A popular misconception is that animal foods such as butter and eggs should not be consumed by women with endometriosis because they contain arachidonic acid, a long-chain fatty acid which serves as the home for localized tissue hormones–called prostaglandins–that provoke inflammation. In fact, endometriosis is not really an inflammation of the type that occurs after an injury; and arachidonic acid also serves as the home for prostaglandins that counteract inflammation. Animal foods like butter and eggs are excellent sources of vitamin A, and endometriosis and excessive bleeding respond well to vitamin A therapy. 3

For protein sources, use pastured, organically raised animals and eggs, organic beans and goat milk products. Add fiber to the diet in the form of sprouted grains and organic vegetables and fruits. Particularly good are cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, apricots, apples and cantaloupe. Onions and garlic can help chelate toxins from the body.

Wild caught salmon and sardines provide EFA’s. For cooking use ghee, organic virgin coconut oil and olive oil.

Avoid pasteurized cow dairy products, commercially raised beef, shellfish, processed food, refined sugar, alcohol, caffeine and chocolate.


The goal is to detoxify the body, support the liver and balance the hormones. Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron and good quality protein are all recommended for endometriosis and related conditions. A good thing to keep in mind: the body cannot absorb these minerals and protein without adequate amounts of natural, animal sources of vitamin A and D in the diet. In addition, iron deficiency is a significant issue for women suffering from heavy bleeding but iron cannot be absorbed without adequate vitamin A. Many women have reported that bleeding worsened when iron was given without supplementation with vitamin A.4

Supplementation for Endometriosis

1. Progonol Cream by Beckwecken

Check with your health care practitioner.

2. Liver DTX

Unburdens the liver and assists in its health.

3. B-Complex Plus

Helps the liver inactivate estrogen, aids in digestion, soothes nerves, supports adrenals and helps the body absorb nutrients.

4. Iron Picolinate

To help relieve iron deficiency that may result from excessive bleeding (use only in the case of anemia)

5. Solaray Yeast Cleanse

Very helpful when Candida is present.


1 Wise Choices, Health Bodies: Diet for the Prevention of Women’s Diseases by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, PhD, Weston A. Price Foundation
2. Ibid
3. Ibid
4. Ibid
5. Dr. Annemaria Ballin, personal conversation

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