Lupus Disorder – is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the connective tissues as if they were foreign invaders. The result is inflammation of the affected areas. At least 80 percent of those who contract lupus are women.

There are two types of lupus: systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). The more common type, DLE , affects exposed areas of the skin. The more serious form of SLE affects many systems in the body including joints and the kidneys. Both types flare up and then go into remission.

What are the Symptoms of Lupus Disorder ?

DLE symptoms are rashes, which form over the nose and cheeks in a butterfly pattern. The lesions are a small, yellowish group of lumps, which often leave scars when they disappear. Ultraviolet rays from the sun can induce the first attack and cause further flare-ups. In SLE we see inflammation of the blood vessels and joints affecting many parts of the body, which mostly include the kidneys.

Four of the following eight symptoms must be serially or currently present before a diagnosis can be made. These symptoms are:

  1. Abnormal cells in the urine
  2. Arthritis
  3. Butterfly rash on the cheeks
  4. Sun sensitivity
  5. Mouth sores
  6. Seizures or psychosis
  7. Low white blood cell count, low platelet count, or hemolytic anemia
  8. Specific antibody found in 50 percent of lupus sufferers or lupus erythematosis cells in the blood

What are the Causes?

The cause of lupus remains obscure. Some researchers believe that a virus is causing the immune system to cause the body to attack its own organs and tissues. Others point to autoimmune health-issues being triggered by stress and a poorly responding immune system.

Other triggers for an attack may be fatigue, infection, stress, chemicals, unidentified viral infections and certain drugs (they normally clear up, if drug is discontinued). Some lupus cases start as arthritis.

Medical Treatment

Many different treatments are used for lupus. Some medications may have serious side effects. The most common drugs are anti-inflammatory medications and steroids. All lupus sufferers should avoid sunlight and always protect themselves with hats and sunblock.


The diet should be as close to nature as possible, and more alkaline than acidic. Avoid all stimulants and artificial agents. Stay away from sugar, refined and processed food and most animal products. Be aware of possible food and chemical sensitivities. Drink purified water; use chemical-free and pH balanced household and skin products. It is also very important to have a restful sleep and plenty of rest during the day.


Lupus sufferers have experienced noticeable improvements by taking supplementation, particularly when accompanied by a healthy lifestyle.  Supplements should be introduced very gradually.

1st Week

1. VSL#3

Needed to keep bad bacteria in check and the immune system fully functioning

2. Liver DTX

Helps the liver cleanse.

3. B-complex Plus

Helps the body deal with stress.

4. Virgin Cod Liver Oil

Vitamin A and D are anti-viral and omega-3’s keep down inflammation.

5. C-Salts Buffered Vitamin C

Strong anti-viral and needed in higher amounts.

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