PCOS refers to multiple cysts on the ovaries and a host of other problems that go along with them, including a lack of ovulation, menstrual abnormalities, facial hair, male pattern baldness, acne, and often obesity. Such women may also have varying degrees of insulin resistance and an increased incidence of Type II diabetes, coronary artery syndrome, elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure, and possibly breast cancer.

PCOS is an inherited, autosomal dominant trait, meaning if a woman has PCOS, it should be looked for in her mother, sisters and daughters. Male relatives can also carry the gene and can transfer the problem to their daughters.

Treatment and PCOS

Natural progesterone should be the basis of PCOS treatment, along with attention to stress, exercise, and nutrition. If you have PCOS, you can use 15 to 20 mg of progesterone cream daily from day 14 to day 28 of your cycle. If you have a longer or a shorter cycle, adjust accordingly. The disappearance of facial hair and acne are usually obvious signs that hormones are becoming balanced, but to see these results, you’ll need to give the treatment at least six months, in conjunction with proper diet and exercise. Contact your health care practitioner regarding progesterone.


High sugar and highly refined carbohydrates like chips, crackers, cold cereal, pasta, white rice and alcohol should be eliminated from the diet. Foods of this type can cause an unhealthy rise in insulin levels. High insulin levels stimulate androgen receptors on the outside of the ovary, causing the symptoms of PCOS and play a role in blocking the release of the egg from the follicle. A consistent diet of high sugar and refined carbohydrates will lead to obesity and cause PCOS symptoms to amplify.

Teens and young women are most susceptible to PCOS because their diet often reflects high sugary foods and is low in nutrient dense food. A lack of exercise and obesity plays a large role in affecting hormone regulation. Following a healthy diet with exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is a very effective strategy for normalizing the hormone process.

Ovarian cysts respond to avoiding wheat, red meat and dairy, Avoid drinking or eating out of anything with plastic because plastic contains xenoestrogens, which can affect normal hormone function.


1. B-Complex Plus

Normalizes estrogen levels

2. Vitamin D by Seeking Health

In a study titled “Vitamin D and calcium dysregulation in the polycystic ovarian syndrome, researchers examined a small group of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and found that they were low in vitamin D levels.  Normalization of vitamin D levels normalized menstrual cycles in over half the women in two months. Two patients became pregnant and four others maintained normal menstrual cycles.

3. Maitake by Mushroom Science

Preliminary data suggest that maitake may be useful in inducing ovulation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.

4. Progesterone Cream by Bezwecken

Take with our health care practitioner.


  1. The John R. Lee, M.D. Medical Letter July 1999
  2. Steroids June 1999 64(6):430-5
  3. InfertilityPhysician.com February 4, 2005
  4. Chen JT, Tominaga K, Sato Y, Anzai H, Matsuoka R. Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa) extract induces ovulation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome: a possible monotherapy and a combination therapy after failure with first-line clomiphene citrate. J Altern Complement Med.2010 Dec;16(12):1295-9.
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