Acid Alkaline Diet: What To Know

Acid Alkaline – The western diet is comprised of grains that are high in phytic acid which can block the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper. 3 This is mainly found in grains that have not been sprouted or are not in sourdough form. Cookies, crackers, cakes, muffins, bread, and pasta may contribute to blocking calcium and magnesium that help buffer acidic conditions in the body.

The western diet is also high in grain-fed meat and eggs, which contribute a high omega-6 fatty acid profile responsible for a host of inflammatory diseases and acidic conditions. Purchasing grass-fed meat and eggs from chicken fed on a natural diet in the sun will help correct the fatty acid imbalance.  Another topic is dairy, which becomes acidic when it is pasteurized, but in its raw state is alkalizing due to its calcium content. When dairy is pasteurized, the calcium content diminishes and the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose, is destroyed. People who have trouble with dairy often have no problem with raw dairy.

According to Paul Pitchford, the body should be slightly alkaline to prepare for possible acid-forming circumstances such as stress, lack of exercise and poor eating habits. The acid alkaline balance of foods can be changed dramatically by simply soaking mildly acid-forming foods like whole grains and legumes before cooking them. The acid alkaline balance is also altered by chewing since saliva is very alkaline, as well as how the food is prepared and combined, exercise, lifestyle, environment, and even our “alkaline emotions” like a positive outlook on life.

How do I know if my body is too acidic or alkaline?

If you have a sticky-sour taste in your mouth when you awake, your body is too acidic. If you have a fuzzy white coating on your tongue, you are probably too acidic. Pain and swelling can also be indicators. If this occurs, the body begins to pull minerals out of the tissues trying to correct the condition, creating a state of demineralization. This deficiency can result in nervous or emotional, bone, muscle and nerve health-issues including but not limited to:

  • Low energy, chronic fatigue
  • Excess mucous production
  • Nasal congestion
  • Frequent colds, flus and infections
  • Nervous, stressed, irritable, anxious, agitated
  • Weak nails, dry hair, dry skin.
  • Formation of cysts, such as ovarian cysts, polycystic ovaries, benign breast cysts (fibrocystic breasts)
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain or arthritis
  • Neuritis
  • Muscle pain
  • Hives
  • Leg cramps and spasm
  • Gastritis, acid indigestion

How do I know if my body is too alkaline?

This is more rare in the western diet, however vegetarians can relate to going on a cookie binge if the diet it too high in fruits and vegetables without enough acid. A serious over-alkaline condition can only result from hyperventilating or extended vomiting

Acid and Alkaline Foods

Acid Forming

  • Cranberries
  • Coffee (non-caffeinated)
  • Plums
  • Prunes
  • Raw tomatoes with seeds
  • Pasteurized milk
  • Pasteurized cheese
  • Honey
  • Maple Syrup
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Grains *(exceptions in alkaline column)
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Legumes (besides Soy and Lima)
  • Oils
  • Vinegar
  • Pickles, relish or sauerkraut made with vinegar
  • Refined sugars
  • Concentrated sweeteners
  • Flours
  • Drugs
  • Chemicals

Neutral Buffers

  • Pure water
  • Yogurt
  • Raw cheese
  • Raw milk
  • Raw butter
  • Raw cream
  • Homemade beef or chicken broths made with bones
  • Fermented soy (miso or soy sauce)

Alkaline Forming

  • All other fruits
  • All vegetables
  • Raw dairy
  • Well cooked tomatoes
  • Coffee (caffeinated, not recommended as an alkaline substitute for fruits and vegetables)
  • Sea salt
  • Sprouts
  • Herbs
  • Sea Vegetables
  • Toasted Buckwheat
  • Soaked or Sprouted Grains
  • Soaked Legumes
  • Sprouted Seeds
  • Kombucha

Understanding Acid Alkaline Food Combinations

The confusion with meat acidity can be explained with the way the animal was fed and raised, along with traditional accompaniment of fermented vegetables with raw and cultured dairy products. For example, let’s take a look at as traditional German menu:

  • Sausage
  • Cheese
  • Pickles or sauerkraut

This combination makes sense if the sausage comes from grass-fed animals (lower in omega-6 fatty acids), the cheese is raw (rich is absorbable calcium) and the pickles or sauerkraut are  not pasteurized (which helps dissolve uric acid built up by meat).

Another example is a traditional Japanese meal which would include:

  • Fish or rice
  • Miso or soy sauce
  • Vegetables and seaweed

This fish or rice is the acid, however the fish made into a broth is high in magnesium. The miso or soy sauce is the fermented buffer, and the vegetables and seaweed are both alkaline and rich in minerals, especially calcium from the seaweed.

The reason the western diet tends to be more acidic is because it is high in refined sugar, grain-fed meat, flour products, grain-fed battery raised eggs, pasteurized dairy, non-sprouted or sourdough bread, and little to no fruits and vegetables (cooked or fermented). Depending on your individual constitution and condition, the acid alkaline diet should be customized.

Deep breathing alkalizes the blood and is imperative for keeping a balance acid/alkaline balance in your body due to environmental toxins and stress that can cause the body to become acidic. Regular exercise will help cleanse your body of acidic toxins.

Supplementation Program for Acidic Conditions:

  • Calcium and Magnesium: Contact us
  • Alfalfa: 5 with each meal
  • B-Complex: Contact us
  • Vitamin C: 1,000mg with breakfast and dinner
  • Probiotic: See label

Colbin, Annemarie. Food and Healing.
Pitchford, Paul. Whole Foods Healing
Fally, Sally. Nourishing Traditions

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