The Acid Alkaline Balance

Acid Alkaline Diet: What To Know Acid Alkaline – The western diet is comprised of grains that are high in phytic acid which can block the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper. 3 This is mainly found in grains that have not been sprouted or are...

Swanson Health Center Super Cleanse

 “I’m back on track! I finished the 3 day cleanse and I no longer crave sodas in the afternoon! Thank you!” -Sandra This can be done for 3 days, 5 days or 7 days Ready, set, detox! You really want to clean out your body. But there are so many...

Is Resveratrol Really Effective?

What is Resveratrol? Resveratrol is a natural phenol that is produced when certain plants like grapes are under attack by bacteria or fungus. It is found in the skin of red grapes and other fruits, and was initially mentioned in 1939 by a man named M. Takaoka and...

Pregnancy – Pre-Conception to Delivery

Best Pregnancy Nutrition Nutrition for your baby begins long before conception. Among “primitive” populations, a common practice among isolated groups involves the feeding of special foods to both men and women for a period of time before conception occurs. Dr. Weston...

Always Eat the Egg Yolk

Question: Should I avoid the egg yolk and only eat the egg whites? Answer: No.  “The beauty of the egg is in the yolk,” says cholesterol-health-issues specialist Michael Mogadam, M.D., an assistant professor of medicine at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.,...